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Clean Shores Global

Healthy Oceans Vision and Social Responsibility

Clean Shores Global

Healthy Oceans Vision and Social Responsibility

“Only we humans make waste that nature can’t digest.”

Charles Moore, Marine Researcher
Grønt skifte

The Dream

We have a Big Dream; that Polluters of the World one evening will walk down to the seashore – waterfront – riverbank and whisper across the water “I am sorry Mrs Waters, this has gone too far, I will never throw garbage in your face any more. Please forgive me.”

Until this comes true we have a Smaller Dream; that we – The Green Majority –  every day go down to the seashore – the waterfront – the riverbank and help Mrs Waters to get rid of the plague of garbage haunting her.

Please, join our Smaller Dream while we wait for the Big Dream. We need every one of you.


Executive Committee

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee will consist of respected well known persons in the public domain. The Advisory Committee will meet two times a year primarily to identify and prioritize Clean Shores projects to support extra over and above normal Clean Shores routines, and also to promote ongoing projects and prioritized shorelines.


We will be thrilled to work with you. Your local and country pages will soon be available. We will be grateful for your economic support in building this global Green Majority movement for the betterment of the environment around us. The Membership fees are annual, and members may upgrade or downgrade their memberships on an annual basis.

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Grønt skifte
Grønt skifte


Support our Healthy Oceans Vison and Action to Clean Shores

Get in touch

Grønt skifte
Innovation Dock, Kvitsøygata 30. 4014 Stavanger, Norway
+47 901 16 895